Another day of my summer vacation, and i didn't change out of my pajama's until about 2 in the afternoon. That is just absolute laziness. Sometimes, my head starts to hurt from the long days in Pjs. Today, I discovered something new in the Wii Mario Kart racing game...which is...~DRUM ROLL PLEASE!~ Wifi racing. This is, well, probably all gamers, and even non gamers know this, and that is the ability to connect with other game geeks all across our globe. Now, I knew there was a type of program in the game, but I had not discovered it yet. It was quite noticeable, but my eyes were oblivious to the section of the game. Now, I spent a good thirty- sixty minutes testing it out, and I met a couple Japanese people on there. I didn't talk to them, but it was still fun. Compared to those racers, I was nothing close to being good, and my highest score was fourth place. I yelled at the television screen, too into the game to even care what the neighbors were thinking. HAHAHA! Now, after a few hours passed of not playing with my Wii, my mommy and I decided to play together. It took a very long time for her to get the hang of it, but it was entertaining and funny. She finally got in first place, and to celebrate, she ate a maccha ice cream popsicle. It is very delicious. For those who don't know what maccha is, that is green tea. It is very GREEN. Not BROWN. Who expects green tea ice cream to be brown?? Anyways, even though I should have educated my brain by reading the book Interview with a Vampire, I just kept playing games and reading comics today.*sigh..I must control myselff* Tomorrow is a day dedicated to reading... !!! ~Reading Rainbow, Butterflies in the sky...lalalalaaaaalalaaaa...Just Take a look, its in a book, READING RAINBOWWW~
we should play MarioKart together over WiFi! I love and hate that game... (^-^)
Hope you're still enjoying your vacation! It was nice seeing you at Comicon- we should hang out more often-tzwrmlci
ehehehe.. oops, sorry i accidentally typed the "word verification" thing into the comment.. my B!
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